There is a beautiful story about the influence music has had and continues to have on humanity and on each human being. This story is not very well known, only a few privileged individuals know it and others, the great composers who are the true leading players, have given shape to this story, through the majesty of their compositions and, at the same time, their performances. These leading players, who can been called “masters of sound” have provided humanity with an invaluable service allowing the influence enclosed in their inspirational works to reach everyone who listens and who is receptive to them. These masters of sound have on occasions been aware of this story and the role they play in it, and at other times, they have simply been unwitting performers.
This almost secret story about the influence of music has an origin and a purpose, it follows a plan, it develops in time according to a well performed sequence, and its effects are fully active today.
For this reason and because the time has now come, the executive team of Escuelas de Misterios wanted this unknown influence of music through the ages to be the exclusive topic, the leading player of the 3rd International Congress The Doors to the Light. During this fascinating congress, this story will be unfolded and all aspects surrounding it will be explained.
This tale is like a tree, with branches formed by top internationally renowned speakers, who will explain the influence of music, some from a more scientific point of view, others from a philosophical perspective, and also through selected performances by eminent artists. Finally and most importantly, we shall call upon direct witnesses of the words of Those who established the origin and inspiration from which great composers have created and composed, and which their excellent artists have performed.
This «3rd International Congress The Doors to the Light: Music, its unknown influence” will be an event full of scientific information, philosophical and spiritual instruction, inspirational musical performances, beautiful songs, choir music and dances. But, above all, it will be a “darshan”, an impact of group awareness on the participants so that they consciously benefit, through vital instruction, from the powerful influence of music as they could never have believed possible.
An advance of the of the activities, conferences, music and performances which will be held at the 3rd International Congress “Puertas de la Luz”(The Doors to the Light):”Music, it’s unknown influence” on November 19th and 20th, 2011, Barcelona.
– “The Sound of the Shofar: ancient music” Opening of the Congress with the performance of the Shinah Jadasha,Cobosmika group, CobosMika Company and the welcoming speech by José Luís Caritg along with the introduction of all the speakers and performers of the Congress
– “Cyril Scott, Man and Music” by Desmond Scott
– “Music, Heritage of Humanity” by Jordi Jauset
– “Cesar Franck, violin and piano audition” by Nestor Eidler and Albert Giménez
– “Music and Energy I, a contribution to the livening up of Universal Consciousness” by Nestor Eidler
– “Musical choir Twocats pel Gospel”, audition
– “Music and Neuroscience” by Jordi Jauset
– “Music and Social Networks” by Enrique San Juan
– “Cantabile of Paganini” performed by Nestor Eidler and Jordi Jauset
– “Music and Energy II, a contribution to livening up the Universal Consciousness”, by Nestor Eidler
– “Chopin”, performed by Albert Giménez
– “Music and Mysticism” by Jaime Villarrubia
– “Cyril Scott, piano and poetry”, performed by Corinne and Amanta Scott
– “Tribute: Flag of Peace” performed by CobosMika Company
– “Eastern Musical Therapy” by Loreto San Juan
– “In search of the Nigun (your own melody)” by Mario Satz
– “Philosophy and Beliefs, Cyril Scott and the Power of Music” by Desmond Scott
– “Music, it’s secret influences through the ages” fragments of the works of Cyril Scott, performed by the students of Escuelas de Misterios
– “Closing of the Congress” with the performance of the Shirah Jadasha group, CobosMika Company and the closing speech by José Luís Caritg
The Congress will be held on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th of November in the Auditorium of the World Trade Center of Barcelona. From 9h to 14h and from 16h to 20h. For Inscription or information contact Escuelas de Misterios, Via Laietana, 59, principal, 08003 Barcelona. Tel: 933027476. Email: and website: or . Price, of one day: 125€, two days: 250€.